Mercury Retrograde For Empaths

Mercury Retrograde For Empaths

To establish what Mercury Retrograde is for the newbies; it’s a planetary occurrence when Mercury spins in the opposite direction on its axis. Usually a this occurs a few times a year and you feel the affects in your communication, energy, and daily actions. Here are a few tips to help you through this rough time for empaths.



Stay grounded. Meditation and grounding your energy will help to keep you energetically balanced during this time. Mercury retrograde is often a time where you can feel like everything is spinning out of control. This time is to slow down and pay attention to what is effecting your daily routine and life.



Carrying crystals is a must during this time. Scientifically speaking, mercury is a planet. This planet has elements that obviously affect us here on earth. Crystals work because of their elemental properties, meaning that they carry and exist within a frequency that interacts with other elements and frequencies— Planets, specifically Mercury for this lesson.  Great crystals to use during mercury retrograde are: tourmaline, hematite, amethyst, selenite, and obsidian. These crystals are great for protection, grounding, and alignment. These crystals also assist with Mercury’s energetic pull.

You can find these crystals here: Crystals – Psychic Denise Spiritual Store



While Mercury is in retrograde, this would be a great time to release anything that doesn’t serve you. For example, you may want to deep clean your home and get ride of that ugly piece of furniture you hate; or you may want to clean out your closet. Energetically, this is a perfect time to cleansing bath and release stagnant energy that is weighing you down. Remember to journal the release of this energy (did anything happen around the time that you took your cleansing bath?). This time is meant to slow you down, and force you ti pay attention to the things that are showing up in your life right now.


This time can be chaotic. Take the time to breathe and understand yourself. Don’t force things and don’t make long term commitments during this time!


Be Well,



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