Embrace the Stillness
Embracing the “Still Moment”
A few weeks ago, my business experienced a devastating fire. When I arrived, my heart, mind, and emotions were racing. I was confident that all would be well, and we would be open fairly quickly, even while repairs were happening. I was so wrong.
We found that our insurance policy did not cover what we needed. The cost of clean-up was insurmountable. And to make matters worse, we couldn’t work so there was $0 money flowing into our business. It seemed like every time I tried to push through the moment; there was a block. I couldn’t rush past this. I couldn’t easily scale this mountain of a problem. I had to get through it.
I often found my inner being yelling at me to be still and listen. Everything around me was demanding for answer, and my full attention. I didn’t have time to “be still”. I would find myself experiencing moments of silence in the car, or in the shower and I was so dissholved. My thoughts, my mind was all over the place. My energy was fragmented, and I was actively experiencing trauma from a sudden loss.
There are 3 things that have helped me to get through this tough moment in my life.
- Embrace the still moment. Sit quietly and let your mind race. Let the thoughts playout. Write them down and refer back to your notes later. You may decide to take action, and some notes may be garbled. Allow the energy to flow away from you and onto the page.
- Don’t resist the release. We are often told that we have to be so strong. Don’t show emotion it makes you weak. Don’t let emotions be your master. You are the master of your emotions. I’m sure we have all heard these age old addages that give us advice on how to manage your emotions. I disagree with all of them. Allow your emotions to flow. Resisting them causes resistance in the body that manifests later as stress, illness, and depression.
- Know that everything is energy. The emotions that you feel, the desire to run away, or the tears that are flowing down your cheeks… All of it is energy. Newton’s law says that, “Energy cannot be destroyed.”So what do we do with it? We remove it from our experience. Take a salt bath to allow the salt to absorb your negative feelings (Drwellsproducts.com). Take a long walk to allow the air and the earth to absorb your negative emotions. Or simply have a good cry and release the pinned energy from your body.
It's ok to feel frustrated, sad, or even frazzled. Go in ward and take note of what you are feeling. Whatever feelings are unwanted, release them. Be gentle with yourself.